What Not To Eat With Kidney Stones
2021-01-08 / RG STONE HOSPITAL / Urinary / Kidney Stone
What are Kidney Stones?
When you have kidney stones, your body needs to havea sufficient amount of fluid intake. When your body gets enough liquid, it stops the build-up of calcium and uric acid and allows the bladder to pass it out easily in the urine form. Kidney stones are a hard mass of crystals that appear in the urine and create problems in urine passage through the ureter and bladder. The crystals can grow large with time, which is indispensable for your body to intake the right amount of liquids to make it easy for the stones to pass out. When your body produces less urine, the kidney stones get deposited in the urinary tract, thus causing pain and discomfort. This pain can, at times, become unbearable if proper treatment is not taken. Your body needs to teach low calcium & sodium intake will help keep the blood pressure in control and reduce any leakage of calcium in the urine.
What are calcium phosphate stones?
Calcium phosphate stone is the most predominant type of stone in general that comprise 50% of the majority of kidney stones. Calcium phosphate stones are associated with incomplete renal tubular acidosis.
What are cystine stones?
Cystine stone is another type of kidney stone that is caused by a disorder called cystinuria. Cystinuria causes cystine to get build-up in the urine. Excess amounts of cystine can lead to stone formation in the kidneys and reoccur after a certain time if not treated within time.
Kidney Diet Tips
Fluid Intake & Hydration
The body needs to have a high amount of fluid intake to keep body to stay hydrated. This will ensure that the bladder produces less concentrated urine, transparent and not pale yellow. It is recommended to drink at least 12 glasses of water a day to pass enough fluid a day. You can also include some citrus juices like lemonade or an orange liquid that contains VitaminC in high quantity.
Reducing Sodium Intake
High amounts of sodium intake can cause calcium build-up in the urine that can cause the leakage of the quantity of calcium already present in the body. It is suggested to keep the sodium intake limited to 2,300 mg per day and for patients who already have stones in their kidney are recommended to keep the daily sodium intake limited to 1,300 mg only. It is not only beneficial in preventing kidney stones and blocking the formation of it, but also stabilizes and maintains the blood pressure levels. It is advised to consume canned, packed and processed foods the minimum you can, as it has hidden sodium in it
Limit High Oxalate Content Foods
When preparing your kidney-friendly diet, you must limit foods and beverages that contain a high amount of calcium oxalates in it. Foods such as beets, nuts, berries, spinach, and drinks like tea possess a high amount of calcium oxalates that can lead to the formation of kidney stones and further cause difficulty in the passing of urine. It is recommended that you consume and combine foods such as yogurt, cheese and other milk products that are rich in calcium with foods that are rich in oxalates, like these, both will bind one another in the intestine itself and will prevent itself from entering the kidneys and forming stones there.
Reduce Animal Protein Intake
It is always exhorted to restrict animal protein intake in red meat, poultry, or seafood products. Animal protein can increase uric acid levels, thus making the process of developing kidney stones fast. If excess amounts of animal protein are consumed on a daily basis, then it can also reduce the levels of urinary citrate that is responsible for restricting the process of developing kidney stones. Consuming a small and limited amount of animal protein in the form of red meat is beneficial for your heart and won’t cause any kidney related issues.
Limit the Consumption of Vitamin C Supplements
Oxalates can cause themselves to build up fast if the consumption of Vitamin C is more than sufficient. Heavy doses of Vitamin C can lead to kidney stone formation. Any health practitioner would always prefer to give you medical advice stating to consume 60mg of Vitamin C per day and if the consumption crosses 1000mg per day then it can accelerate the production of kidney-stone forming oxalates in the body.
Increase the Intake of Vitamin D & Calcium
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient required for the proper absorption of calcium in the bones. If the body is getting low amounts of calcium, it can certainly level up the number of oxalates. It is always beneficial to intake calcium from foods like cheese, yogurt, seeds, nuts, tofu, cottage cheese, green leafy vegetables, etc., and avoid consuming the desired nutrient from other supplements.
Avoid Consumption of Carbonated Drinks
Carbonated and caffeinated drinks like cola contain high amounts of sugar and phosphate, which can again boost developing kidney stones. These carbonated drinks are added with sucrose and fructose syrups that can elevate the risk associated with kidney stone formation. Not only cola but even canned and packed juices can also generate the same results. Try to look at the label on the packaging that carries the nutritional information stating the amount of sugar added to the product. It’s a healthy pick if you try to include foods that have less sugar quantity.
RG Stone Hospital is the leader in the field of laparoscopy and urology and is well equipped with equipment of the latest technology, quality treatments and expertise that has the excellence of 34 years and withholds the Guinness World Record of treating the largest kidney stone of size 13cms. So, for all your urological and nephrological needs, RG Stone takes care of your health just like your family
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