2020-03-07 / RG STONE HOSPITAL / Piles

The lumps that develop within the rectum or around the anus that contain swollen and engorged blood vessels are known as Piles or Haemorrhoids.
This medical condition exists in people usually without any symptom. However, there can be cases where there might be bleeding with passage of stool and bleeding.
There are mainly two types of piles that take place in the body. There are due to different locations and medical conditions on the basis of which they have been classified:
Internal Haemorrhoids - They are present inside the anus which is located at the beginning of the rectum. Internal Haemorrhoids are situated just above the dentate line. The dentate line refers to the line of demarcation between the rectum and anal. These lines are usually painless and tend to bleed.
External Haemorrhoids - They are present near the anus, to be more particular, they are situated at the anal opening often hanging outside the anus. These external haemorrhoids lie below the dentate line. These haemorrhoids can be painful.
Usually, the cause of the piles lies in the excessive pressure on blood vessels that are located inside and around the anus. Piles generally occur to those people who are suffering from long term constipation.
Constipation does play a huge role when it comes to developing piles. When the wastage is supposed to pass through the excretory system, there is some kind of strain that takes place in and around the anus and the rectum which further leads to increased pressure on the blood vessels within the rectum and anal canal. This pressure on the blood vessels then leads to their swelling and inflammation.
While we have discussed what is piles is all about, several risk factors can be listed out that should be kept in mind because these risk factors can increase the piles’ problem in a person. Some of the risk factors are :
- Long Term Constipation - Constipation occurs due to an unhealthy diet that is being followed by a person for a long time. Particularly, the absence or less of fibre in food affect constipation and increases constipation.
- Strenuous Exercises - Strenuous exercises should not be done because it affects the intestinal area. Some of the strenuous exercises are regular lifting heavy objects and regular manual labour.
- Diarrhoea - The problem of diarrhoea caused due to unhygienic and unhealthy food can lead to piles further.
- Overweight - If one does not maintain weight like being obese or overweight then it can lead to piles
- Sitting for Number of Hours - Those who keep sitting for long number of hours are at risk of developing pressure on the anal blood vessels which lead to piles. Such situations can happen in places such as an office.
- Pregnancy Condition - Pregnancy Condition is one of the most common risk factors of piles and a pregnant lady should be careful about her health situation. When the baby grows within the pelvis, the blood vessels in the pelvis get pressurised and this leads to enlargement of the anal and rectal blood vessels and development of piles. However, the piles usually disappear after the birth of the child.
Hence, with the above information, one will be well-informed about what piles are all about, how does it happen and what are the risk factors of piles. One needs to take care of one’s health system so that he or she does not face such kind of medical problems in future.
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