2020-02-18 / RG STONE HOSPITAL / Urinary / Kidney Stone
We all are leading lives of an absolute busy schedule and unhealthy lifestyle practices where in accordance with our convenience, we eat, sleep and repeat without giving any thought to how our body is functioning. It is only with the health problems that we end up realizing what our bodies are going through.
The same could be said for the kidneys as well where our dietary habits and lifestyle practices do affect how our kidneys function. However, there are some warning signals that our body gets in the initial stages before any problem arises with the kidneys.
Kidney stones can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, especially when the warning signs are ignored. The stone which is bigger in size blocks the ureter and can cause even more pain, usually in the lower back, right or left flank, or groin. The pain can last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes or longer than that as well. However, understanding the warning signs may help individuals avoid painful kidney stone. Some of the prominent signs of kidney problems are stated below:
Severe Pain - The first symptom that a person faces with respect to kidney problem is severe pain in the areas of lower back, abdomen and groin. If one is relieved of pain by switching positions, then it could be due to the kidney stones. One should be careful of the kind of pain that he or she is facing like stabbing pain or throbbing pain.
Feeling of nausea - This is a symptom that takes place along with the pain. The person generally feels helpless when he or she is going through both pain and vomiting like feeling.
Fever - Whenever there are kidney problems along with pain, one usually has fever and chills. Fever makes the person’s immunity go weak.
Blood in urine - Visibility of the blood in the urine is an indication that a stone has started to pass from the kidney to the bladder. Usually, the ureters are usually 3 to 4 mm in diameter, any stone larger than this can become problematic for the person. If not taken any action early, the stone can tear the ureter which will lead to blood into the urinary tract.
Difficulty in urination - Since the ureter is torn, it leads to the blockage in the ureter which in turn again leads to difficulty in urinating and is painful as well.
Kidney stones are generally silent in nature (asymptomatic) until they begin to pass and make the person feel its presence. It is highly necessary to know what signs to look for in order to know about and receive full medical expert guidance on kidney stones. One should not keep delaying treatment and take these signs for granted. When one is having one or multiple symptoms, it is important to visit the doctor and get the treatment as early as possible so that the kidney stones do not get worse.
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Urinary / Kidney Stone
Indian Health Care System
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Urinary / Kidney Stone
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