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RG Marathon Championship 2022

KIDNEY STONES- A Complete FAQ guide

KIDNEY STONES- A Complete FAQ guide

It is observed that there is a slight increase in the frequency of people seeking emergency rooms due to kidney stones. Kidney stones cause severe pain and hamper the flow of urine. The National Kidney Foundation states that 1 out of ten people experiences kidney stones. After having one kidney stone, the chances of obtaining a second stone are between 5% and 10% each year. 
Let’s learn about the signs and symptoms of kidney stones, their causes, and the following medical treatment:

Q1. What are kidney stones?
. Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are solid and tiny crystals generated by urine salts. Kidney stones are classified according to their size, colour, and shape. These crystalline chunks form in the kidneys and the urinary tract. 

Q2. What causes kidney stones?
Lack of fluid intake can result in the formation of kidney stones. Water is responsible for keeping the body hydrated and is believed to prevent mineral and waste buildup inside the urinary tract. Urine is composed of several minerals like calcium, salt, oxalate, phosphate, and uric acid flushed out of the body by passing through the kidneys and the urinary tract. Kidney stones form if urine contains more of these minerals and less of the liquid to carry them out. As a result, these minerals get attached to the kidneys or the urinary tract, forming kidney stones. 

Q3. What are the different types of kidney stones?
. Kidney stones are classified into four categories:
1.    Uric acid stones are caused by consuming a high protein diet. 
2.    Cystine stones are made of amino acids. This condition is rare and hereditary.
3.    Struvite stones are those that contain magnesium as well as the waste product ammonia. These stones can even cause severe infections.
4.    The most common kidney stones are those caused by calcium combined with oxalate and phosphate left unused by the muscles or bones.

Q4. What are the symptoms of kidney stones?
Kidney stones have some of the most alarming symptoms, apart from the severe pain caused while urinating. 

  • Unavoidable and severe pain in the back or the sides.
  • Pain paired with fever and chills
  • Odorous and cloudy urine
  • Frequent or unusual urination
  • Discolored urine
  • Blood in the urine or a burning sensation while urinating
  • Pain along with nausea and vomiting

Q5. State the methods by which kidney stones can be prevented.
Kidney stones are a serious concern and should be carefully considered with undivided attention. You can start modifying your daily eating habits to prevent kidney stones.

  • Drink plenty of water to keep your body fully hydrated. Water helps in the easy transportation of minerals out of the body. Therefore, it is crucial to consume an appreciable amount of water equal to 8–10 cups a day.
  • Minimize sodium intake so that there is less calcium intake, contributing to a lower risk of kidney stone formation. Your daily sodium intake should be around 2,300 mg.
  • Eat a healthy and nutritious diet—Kidney stones can easily be triggered by a high-protein diet that includes fish, red meat, poultry, and eggs. Also, people should look to maintain a normal calcium diet that includes milk and its products, soy products, kale, beets, and spinach. Access to a calcium-rich diet can rapidly form salts like oxalate in a higher quantity, which can cause trouble. Add a good amount of veggies and nutrient-rich fruits for every meal to achieve a balanced diet. 

Q6. How are kidney stones treated?
. Kidney stones should be treated timely to avoid problems in the future. If left untreated, they will keep expanding their size with time and may even stick to the kidneys, ureters, urethra, and bladders. Kidney stones can even cause unpleasant pain and urinary issues, necessitating the need for medication to dissolve them. Kidney stones may even require a medical operation to remove them. 
Kidney stones are often caused due to underlying genetic issues of which you may be unaware. Your doctor can wisely look into the matter and prescribe the supporting medications or treatment. Kidney stones should be treated promptly to avoid damage to the kidneys and the urinary tract. One should get an excellent kidney stone treatment to get rid of kidney stones. 

Q7. Why choose RG hospital for kidney stone treatment?
Ans. RG Hospital is a first-grade urological & laparoscopic hospital with an exceptional medical team and services. We offer best-in-class kidney stone treatment with the latest technology and methods. We possess a team of medical and para-medical staff who work 24x7 just to provide our patients with a better medical experience.

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