Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Explained: Symptoms,?Causes, and Treatment
2025-01-16 / RG STONE HOSPITAL / Urological Treatment
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a frequent endocrine pathology with a heterogeneous origin affecting a very large number of women worldwide. Since several endocrine glands have close physiological connections with other organs and are equally involved, it produces physical and psychological signs and symptoms.
What does PCOS mean?
Usually, women with PCOS develop too much androgen male hormones diagnosed by small fluid-filled sacs, cysts, and hormonal imbalance is the primary characteristic even in the absence of cysts.
Other signs can also act as the criteria of diagnosing PCOS; however, hypertrichosis, oligomenorrhea, and alopecia among women are among the primary causes. As a result, infertility is a major cause of PCOS women.
PCOS is caused
The reason for developing PCOS remains unknown as it is yet to be associated with a particular location. Indeed, it is described as a point of intersection of several risk factors including genetic and metabolic, as well as environmental. There are also a few critical elements that might influence the onset of PCOS:
Genetics: Further, it is a gene-enriched disorder which has the bios genetics of the disease in families that are prone to it.
Inflammation: Inflammation in the tissues may be another of the reasons for the PCOS process.
Excess Androgen Production: The ovary of women with PCOS will already release high levels of androgens, which interferes with normal function of the menstrual cycle and will have an impact on the female with other symptoms of PCOS.
Symptoms of PCOS
Every woman or better still, every lady experiences the symptoms of PCOS in a unique way! Some may have a few of these symptoms whereas others may have severe symptomatology. The most frequent ones include the following:
No periods or irregular periods: Seventy to eighty percent of women with PCOS will not have regular periods or will have fewer than six periods in a year. Some women with PCOS menstruate normally but experience an irregular occurrence of ovulation period properly. Others will have very heavy flow during their periods.
Increased hair growth: This is in regard to hairiness together with what appears to be prominently darker hair growth on parts of the body normally targeted by male sex hormones commonly referred to as androgens such as the face, chest and back.
Acne and oily skin: This is because, as a result of hormones, the glands that are situated in the skin makes excessive secretion of oil which leads to acne.
Weight gain: Majority of women with PCOS will find it very hard to lose weight or may have never been in a healthy weight category.
Women with PCOS may have thinning hair or hair loss: Some women with PCOS experience a particular kind of hair loss.
Skin darkening: It often appears in localized depression with depigmentation of the axillary skin or genital or neck region.
Complications of PCOS
If left unmanaged, PCOS can lead to several serious health complications, including:
Type 2 Diabetes: This in combination with alterations in adipose tissue, and lipids, the insulin resistance common in PCOS can progress towards a type 2 diabetes.
Metabolic Syndrome: A collection of diseases that makes a person vulnerable to develop cardiovascular diseases, a stroke, and gold diabetes type.
Infertility: Endocrine disorders frequently being able to delay ovulation and hence conception.
Endometrial Cancer: Estrogen concentration in women with irregular periods as a result of no competition and direct exposure is very high and may lead to Endometrial Cancer.
Sleep Apnea: One of the connected disorders is obstructive sleep apnea which is also more typical for women with PCOS.
Mental Health Issues: It is also evident that PCOS can cause anxiety and depressions, and self-esteem issues.
Popular PCOS treatment options availed at RG Hospitals
At RG Hospitals our specialist gynaecologists and endocrinologists have extensive experience of managing women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. We are fully aware of the difficulties that women with this disease are faced with and therefore, provide an individualized approach addressing every person’s personal objectives and targets.
Our approach to PCOS management includes:
Thorough Evaluation: An appointment of 45 minutes to 1 hour, where pt. Is asked about his or her complaint, medical history, and habits.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Individualized treatment plans because they may contain:
- Lifestyle Modifications:
- Weight Management: The study shows that even small amount of weight loss can lead to the improved insulin sensitivity/ hormonal balance.
- Healthy Diet: The usual preventive measures are also mandatory: diet, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products, and physical activity.
- Medications:
- Birth Control Pills: May aid in Hormonal balance, Lessen menstrual flow, and skin complexion.
- Anti-androgen Medications: Will also help shave down unwanted hair growth and can also be used to clear up acne.
- Metformin: It may also cause an increase in the body’s sensitivity to insulin and also affect the menstrual cycle.
- Surgery: In some circumstances, surgical procedures could be performed minimally invasively in order to facilitate ovulation.
- Comprehensive Support: Advice on behavioural changes and dieting, besides stress and psychiatric conditions. Our crew continuously encourages and assists the women in coping with the struggles of PCOS as a concept.
- State-of-the-art Facilities: When everybody will have access to these diagnostic and treatment their quality and the effectiveness will be satisfactory.
- Confidential and Compassionate Care: A warm welcoming environment through this forum so that our concerned patients can freely discuss their issues with our seasoned professional caregivers.
Living with PCOS
As with almost all conditions, living with PCOS is not without its difficulties, but women can successfully negotiate these if correctly advised.
Schedule a Consultation| RG Hospital
Menstrual irregularities? Heavy bleeding during your periods? Joint pains? Acne? You should see a gynaecologist without fail; some of the leading gynaecologists of today are in RG Hospitals. At Rockport Family Health we want to be able to play a part in your healthcare and your pursuit of optimum health.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is relatively endearing through complex issues among women globally that triggers a number of manifestations such as irregular menstrual cycles, hair growth and polycystic ovaries among others. The specific reason for the condition’s development has not yet been discovered, but genetics, inflammation, and hasty androgen levels contribute to the occurrence of the condition. If properly ignored, PCOS can result in life threatening complications such as infertility, type 2 diabetes and endometrial cancer.
At RG Hospitals, you will get the best diagnosis and treatment of PCOS because we customize your treatment to suit your condition. Here at Truweight, our specialists aim for the preventative model through dieting and physical changes, drugs, and occasionally, operations that best suit the needs of the patient. Our Bucharest clinic is dedicated to providing the highest quality of PCOS treatment with focus on its compassionate, confidential nature.
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