Prostate Cancer Treatment
2021-10-18 / RG STONE HOSPITAL / Enlarged Prostate (BPH)

The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland located in the pelvis of the males near the bladder, in front of the rectum, and surrounded by the urethra. It helps in emptying the urine from the bladder and makes a part for the semen; as age increases, the size of the prostate gland also increases and can decrease the size of the urethra, and the flow of urine also decreases. Prostate cancer leads to other significant diseases and can spread all over.
Symptoms of prostate cancer are:
Difficulty in urination
Irritation while urinating
Frequent urges to urinate
Blood in urine
Burning sensation while urinating
Difficulty in emptying the bladder
Measures to prevent prostate cancer are:
Reduce fat intake
Eat fibrous food
Opt for a low-fat diet
Decrease the consumption of dairy products
Maintain a healthy weight
Treatment and therapies for Prostate Cancer:
- Prostatectomy is the surgery done to treat prostate cancer. In this treatment prostate, along with tissues surrounding it, are removed.
Expectant Management:
- Expectant management is a treatment opted by the doctor when the cancer is not unlikely to grow rapidly. It is done in two ways:
Active Surveillance:
- In this, prostate cancer is closely monitored by doing specific tests such as PSA and biopsies. This helps in determining the condition of cancer.
Watchful Waiting:
- No tests are done; the doctor closely observes and examines the symptoms. They are generally done when a patient is expected to live for 1-2 years.
- In this treatment, the cold therapy approach is opted to remove the abnormal tissues. It freezes and kills the cancer cells.
Radiation Therapy:
- High energy rays are used to kill the cancer cells. It is done either externally or internally. It directly eliminates the cancer cells from the body of the patient.
- Chemotherapy is a kind of therapy in which cancer cells are shrunk and destroyed. It stops harmful cells from growing, dividing, and spreading.
Biological Therapy:
- Biological therapy is the kind of treatment that helps in increasing the body’s immunity to fight cancer cells. It is also known as “Immunotherapy.”
Hormone Therapy:
- Hormone therapy is one of the most used treatments to treat cancer; it slows down or even stops the growth of hormones related to cancer. It is also called endocrine therapy.
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound:
- It is the treatment to cure cancer in which high-intensity sound waves, also known as ultrasonic waves, are used to treat cancer cells. It is similar to diagnostic imaging, but higher energy is used. Sound waves generate heat. As a result, tissue destroys, tissue can heat in about 20-30 secs at 150*F.
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