What are The Risk Factors for BPH / Enlarged-Prostate?
2019-01-31 / RG STONE HOSPITAL / Urological Treatment

The Prostate is a muscular gland present in the male reproductive system. The prostate surrounds the urethra and is responsible for making most of the fluid in the semen. Its muscular action helps in propelling the fluid and semen through the penis during sexual climax. However, most of the men after a particular age suffer from enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is a condition where the prostate gland enlarges. This occurs when the prostate gland’s cells begin to multiply.
The additional cells cause to swell and squeeze the urethra. In addition to this, the cells also limit the flow of the urine. While BPH doesn’t increase the risk of cancer, many men might suffer from symptoms affecting the quality of life.
The additional cells cause to swell and squeeze the urethra. In addition to this, the cells also limit the flow of the urine. While BPH doesn’t increase the risk of cancer, many men might suffer from symptoms affecting the quality of life.
How Can BPH or Enlarged-Prostate affect One’s Body?
The prostate gland is a part of the reproductive system of a man. It is located right below the bladder. The main job of the prostate gland is to include fluid and essential substances to semen. The prostate gland develops in size over time. The growing prostate gives rise to more pressure that makes it harder for the urine to flow from the body. It also causes the bladder to work hard for the urine to leave the body. It eventually weakens the bladder.
Understanding What BPH or Enlarged-Prostate is All About
A normal prostate gland in every man is a walnut-shaped gland. It doesn’t cause any problem in men until they grow with age. With aging, the prostate gland becomes significant to develop a larger size. It also causes some urinary symptoms. While one cannot avoid the risk of developing BPH or Enlarged-Prostate, one can always lower the risk of the condition. Studies have indicated that BPH or Enlarged-Prostate has affected men ranging from 60 to 80 years of age.
Dozens of studies are performed in order to examine the risk factors of BPH or Enlarged-Prostate. Talking about the risk factor, it is something which increases the likelihood of developing any disease. In this guide, you will be enlightened with the risk factors of enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Dozens of studies are performed in order to examine the risk factors of BPH or Enlarged-Prostate. Talking about the risk factor, it is something which increases the likelihood of developing any disease. In this guide, you will be enlightened with the risk factors of enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Most Common Risk Factors for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or Enlarged-Prostate
Men with larger prostate don’t necessarily suffer from worse symptoms. In fact, it is entirely different from person to person. Mentioned below are the most common risk factors for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged-prostate gland.
1. Genetic Factor -
If a man from one’s immediate family (say for example brother or father) has been diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia, then there’s a greater possibility of the man developing the same symptom.
2. Ageing -
Another common risk factor for enlarged prostate or BPH is ageing. With ageing, the prostate gland develops a larger size. Hence, the risk of developing an enlarged prostate becomes apparent. This is significant for men raging over the age of 50 years. For men who are above 80 years of age, the vast majority will apparently develop an enlarged prostate gland. Contrarily, a negligible number of men might not experience the symptom.
3. The Ethnic Background -
Studies have shown that BPH or Enlarged-Prostate might affect men of the ethnic backgrounds. Contrarily, it has been discovered that enlarged prostate symptoms might be higher in the black people alongside Hispanic men than in the white men. Apparently, the reason behind the increased risk might be because of some genetic differences. Alternatively, the risk might have to do with some metabolic diseases too which is most common in the Latinos, Americans, and Africans.
4. People with Diabetes -
If a man has diabetes, then he would have an increased risk of developing an enlarged prostate gland or BPH. In fact, having diabetes is a significant factor of why a man might develop BPH Enlarged-Prostate. A study has shown that the component of type 2 diabetes (with high glucose levels) might increase the progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia. This is due to the elevated insulin levels. This not just corrals the blood sugar and usher it in the cells. In addition to it, stimulate growth.
5. Obesity -
The higher the body mass index of a man, the greater is his waistline’s circumference. With a greater waistline’s circumference, there's a higher risk for developing an enlarged prostate or BPH. Obesity happens to be a leading cause of diabetes in addition to high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
6. A Lethargic Lifestyle -
A lethargic lifestyle or a lack of exercise can also increase the risk of developing an enlarged prostate.This is due to the fact that exercise helps in fighting obesity. Additionally, it also helps in reducing inflammation and the risk of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, it also helps insulin resistance and other factors associated with BPH or Enlarged-Prostate orbenign prostatic hyperplasia.
7. People with Heart Diseases -
Having heart diseases won’t develop the risk of BPH or Enlarged-Prostate?. However, the same risks contributing to heart problems also increase the growth of the prostate. These include obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The risks of growing enlarged prostate due to these diseases have been mentioned above.
8. Erectile Dysfunction -
Erectile dysfunction doesn’t cause the risk of having BPH. In fact, having enlarged prostate also doesn’t cause erectile dysfunction. Nevertheless, both the symptoms go hand in hand. This is due to the fact that BPH treatment involves medicines like tamsulosin or finasteride which can make erection problems worse.
9. Before Drawing The Closure -
Preventing BPH risks like genetic factors and age isn’t evidently possible. While the other risks for enlarged prostate (mentioned above) are right under one’s control. The best way to avoid having any prostate problem is exercise. This helps in decreasing inflammation. Not just that, proper exercise also helps in using insulin more effectively.However, one can develop the risk of enlarged prostate with or without the aforementioned risk factors.
So, it might make sense to be open with the doctor about any concerns pertaining to the prostate health and the risk of developing an enlarged prostate or BPH. Thus, this compiles things to know about the risk factors of growing enlarged prostate.
So, it might make sense to be open with the doctor about any concerns pertaining to the prostate health and the risk of developing an enlarged prostate or BPH. Thus, this compiles things to know about the risk factors of growing enlarged prostate.
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