2022-05-04 / RG STONE HOSPITAL / Urological Treatment
What is minimally invasive surgery?
Minimally invasive surgery also known as “ keyhole surgery” employs very small skin cuts or no cuts at all, as opposed to the huge cuts that are sometimes required in standard/ traditional surgery. The process of minimally invasive surgery necessitates very tiny incisions that are precisely done. During traditional open surgery, a huge incision is made and a dissector is used to take those tissues out of the way. There are several types of minimally invasive surgery and each includes the use of an endoscope by the surgeon. Endoscopes are made up of a flexible narrow tube with a light and a small video camera on the end. Endoscopes allow doctors to inspect the esophagus, stomach, and the first few inches of the small intestine and use very small surgical instruments in the area to explore, remove or repair to resolve the problem within the body.
Following are the benefits of minimally invasive surgery:
1. Less or fewer incisions:
Minimally invasive surgery makes use of very small incisions to get access to the surgical site. An open surgery necessitates a wider incision to access your spine. You get rid of those large, painful incisions made in the traditional surgery methods.
2. Less traumatic:
During minimally invasive surgery, the patient’s body undergoes less trauma in comparison to traditional surgery. It involves very less muscle cutting therefore the body is primarily concerned with healing nerves, discs, vertebrae, and not the muscle.
3. Less painful recovery:
Smaller incisions made during minimally invasive surgery results in less damage and less pain after the surgery. With this, there will be a little lesser need for pain medications and leaving you relieved from the dependency on them.
4. Faster recovery time:
With less trauma and less damage, your body solely focuses on healing and fast recovery enabling the patients to return to their normal activities/routine faster.
5. Fewer chances of infection:
Minimally invasive surgery is less risky than standard surgery. Every procedure has its own pros and cons. Similar is with surgical procedures that are associated with risks like surgical site infection.
Minimally invasive surgery avoids typical complications such as:
1. Postoperative pain
2. Physical therapy challenges
3. Excess blood loss
4. Large scars
5. Dependency on pain medication
6. Obese and elderly people will have a great surgery experience:
Obese people constitute a large amount of subcutaneous fat which is cut to make a large incision. In this type of surgery, this fat-cutting procedure is avoided, and fewer chances of formation of the blood clots within the body.
You’ll need less medication, and less healing, thus, making a better experience for a patient in minimally invasive surgery.
Types of minimally invasive surgery:
1. Bariatric surgery
It is also known as weight loss surgery. Bariatric surgery refers to a range of operations done on obese patients by weight loss specialists. Thus surgery provides immense relief from comorbidities like diabetes, obstructive sleep apnoea, and hypertension. The weight reduction is typically accomplished with the use of an implanted medical device(gastric banding) that reduces the size of the stomach.
2. Gall Bladder Stone
The gall bladder is a small organ that is pear-shaped and located in the upper right part of the abdomen below the liver.
Gallstones occur when the gall bladder hardens as a result of high cholesterol deposits.
In serious cases, gallstones are treated via surgery-
Laparoscopic Gallbladder removal: In this surgery, 3-4 tiny incisions are made in your abdomen by the surgeon, and a small,light-attached device is inserted to remove the gallstones.
3. Hernia repair
When a portion of tissue or an organ protrudes through one of the weaker muscular walls of the abdomen, it is called a hernia.
The hernia is most common in the stomach, but can also appear in the upper thighs, groin, and belly button. To avoid potentially dangerous complications, a hernia may require surgery or an operation.
Laparoscopic surgery- This is known as the most common surgery for the treatment of the hernia. Laparoscopic surgery necessitates the use of miniature surgical instruments and a small camera, as well as a few small incisions followed by 5-6 weeks of rest.
4. Appendicitis
Appendicitis is a tiny pouch at the start of the large intestine. Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix.
It involves surgery to remove the inflamed appendix. Laparoscopic surgery is performed to treat appendicitis via a few small abdominal incisions.
5. Piles
Piles, also known as Haemorrhoids are caused due to continuous high pressure in the veins. Piles can be caused by excessive straining due to bowel movements, constipation, and persistent diarrhea.
Piles are treated via MIPS( Minimally Invasive Procedure for Piles), also known as Stapler Haemorrhoidectomy which makes use of a stapling device. In Stapler Haemorrhoidectomy, the mucosa resent above the dentate line is excised and stapled using a stapler gun, preventing bleeding and prolapse.
RG Stone Hospital for Laparoscopic surgery promise to deliver our patients with super-safe surgery experience along will follow medications for quick pain relief and recovery. Our expert team of healthcare professionals will treat the issue with 100% accuracy and care.
Hernia Repair
Urological Treatment
Hernia treatment
Enlarged Prostate (BPH)
Gall Bladder Stone
Urinary / Kidney Stone
Indian Health Care System
Female Urinary Incontinence
Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS)
Kidney Cancer
Bladder Cancer
Ovarian cancer
Bariatric Surgery
Kidney Function Test